We assist consumers by helping manage future risk.

Do your plans include downsizing and moving into a gradual stages living scenario? Or would you prefer to stay in your home as long as possible, with in home care options available if needed?

These are the things we care about- because it’s what YOU care about.

If long-term care is never needed, the policy’s life insurance death benefit is often similar to the amount paid to buy the policy. On the other hand, if long term care is needed, the amount of money available can exceed the death benefit, often several times over, offering tremendous leverage of premium dollars towards long term care services and expenses. For example, an investment of $100,000 can provide long term care benefits of $300,000 - 400,000, depending on the age at purchase, the plan design, etc.  

As an example,  someone spending $150,000 to purchase a hybrid long term care policy will see a return of these funds at death, but the potential long term care benefits available and potentially paid could be much more than what was invested. Because the potential long-term care benefits paid out could significantly exceed $150,000, there is tremendous leverage available in placing that sum of money in the policy.